Just like our tattooists, builders, and hairdressers have, Virtual Assistants are seeing an influx of ‘backyard VAs’ who are forgoing any training or skill development to set up an ‘admin support’ business from home. You would think that by now people would realise the importance of quality administration in a business – reception and admin are the cogs that keep a business.. well.. in business. And as a potential client, if I’m going to show someone my business underwear, I want to know that they are all over that shit! I don’t want a “hobby VA”, no matter how enticing the low rate may be.

However, with so many self-employed people in the world, running small businesses with limited budget, there are plenty of prospects out there for a backyard VA – even if they churn through those clients at the speed of light. The important thing to know is that there are VAs of different standards and there are ways to find a quality VA to help you.

So how do you find a high quality VA?

Ask for recommendations and testimonials – from people you trust!

Don’t just hop on social media and ask the world who they’d recommend. Ask people you know, like and trust. Ask people who have a similar work ethic and work style to you. And the VAs they recommend, call for a chat!

See if they’ve been reference checked.

On the Virtually Yours network, for example, Virtual Assistants can request to be Reference Checked. This means that they need to provide Virtually Yours with at least 3 high quality referees. The referees must be clients (not employers) and they are contacted by Virtually Yours to answer questions about the service delivery of the VA in question. We also conduct Standards Assessments which check over their business processes.

Find out if they’ve done any training recently

A serious VA invests in themselves and their business and they keep learning. A hobby VA doesn’t. So find out what training they’ve done recently to see if they are staying up to date with the latest business information.

Soon, you’ll also be able to ask if they are AAVIP Accredited!

The AAVIP (Australian Association for Virtual Industry Professionals) is introducing a business quality Accreditation which assesses the VA’s business structure. It makes sure they have all the legalities and policies in place to allow them to provide a high quality service to their clients. Partner this accreditation with the testimonials and reference checking status and you know you’re on to a winner!

So yes, there are more and more Virtual Assistants out there every day. And they all provide different services to different clients at different standards. So be smart and think about who you want to show your business undies to before you sign on any dotted line.

See what communities and networks they are active in

Being an active and useful community member is really important for VAs. A VA should have specialist skills and with the right community support (like that in the Virtually Yours Network) they can collaborate and partner with other VAs who excel in the areas they don’t. They also have access to ongoing training, brainstrust and mentoring.

If you want to learn more about working with VAs, download our Working With VAs eBook!