I am enough

It’s the end of the year. End of a decade really, and boy does it feel it. It’s been a massive year. For some it’s been a year of great highs and for some massive lows. I hope that for you, it’s been the former. For me it’s been a great year. It’s not been perfect, but I’m not living in a war zone, in poverty, or in danger - and for that I count my blessings. That, for me, means a great year. 

By |2020-01-14T09:56:01+11:00December 16th, 2019|Articles|16 Comments

It’s not me, it’s you: Outsourcing mistakes businesses make.

It’s not me, it’s you: Outsourcing mistakes businesses make.Recently someone posted a joblead to my network seeking assistance in their business. That's not so odd.But this joblead was met by my members with a very different feeling than most leads that have come before.The person who posted the lead, (let’s call her Rita), had used [...]

By |2022-05-26T12:05:03+10:00June 16th, 2018|Working with VAs|10 Comments
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