
It’s the end of the year. End of a decade really, and boy does it feel it. It’s been a massive year. For some it’s been a year of great highs and for some massive lows. I hope that for you, it’s been the former. 

For me it’s been a great year. It’s not been perfect, but I’m not living in a war zone, in poverty, or in danger – and for that I count my blessings. That, for me, means a great year. 

In business in particular it’s been a real year of growth. I’ve learnt so much, shared so much and really pushed myself to show up more and step outside the comfort zone.

And that brings me to what I was to write about today. 

As I said before, I’m tired, which means I’m emotional so brace yourself. 

When you put yourself out there in business and try to give the best of yourself you will find that at times you simply don’t please everyone. 

And that sucks. 

When you show up and you try to do your best, people start to think your life is perfect and in some ways they end up putting you on a pedestal, off which you will no doubt fall. 

They judge you harder when you don’t live up to their standards. And they don’t allow slip ups. And they lean on you hard.

And that can really hurt and make you wonder why you do bother showing up and pushing yourself – because the more you do, the more people you reach which means the more chance you have of people telling you that you kinda suck.

Over the years I’ve noticed that the people who rely on you the most, who ask the most of you, are the ones most likely to call you out if you don’t do what they like. And I’ve learnt that there’s a definite line between people who call you out for your own benefit and those who call you out for their own. 

So today I’m here today to tell you that I’m human. 

I totally suck at some things (quite a lot of things actually). I get shitty about things. I get hurt about things and sometimes I just don’t want to ‘adult’ anymore.

So today I’m here today to tell you that I’m human. I totally suck at some things (quite a lot of things actually). I get shitty about things. I get hurt about things and sometimes I just don’t want to ‘adult’ anymore. Share on X

I manage groups of anywhere between 200 and 2000 members at any given time. Usually I have around 40 people at any stage calling on me for assistance. And for that I am really grateful – it means I have a successful and wonderful business. 

This year I did a lot more speaking events, pushed myself to get my third book printed and trained 50 new Virtual Assistants in 40 sessions, ran webinars, podcasts, ran private mentoring and started putting together my first ever conference which will be run in Sydney next year.

I volunteered at my daughter’s school in the classroom, in the garden and on school council. 

I said goodbye to my beloved dog Mango and my heart has been crying ever since. 

I kept my 2 amazing daughters alive and well and tried with all my heart to instill values and self worth in them. 

But towards the end of the year my body started to say ‘hell no’. 

It decided that it was getting too much. My asthma flared up but I pushed through because I had commitments. 

Bronchitis set in but I pushed through because I had commitments. 

And then my voice failed again and again.

The year I wanted to speak the most I definitely DID but my vocal chords just weren’t up to it.

My vocals were shot and it turns out your vocal chords are pretty important when it comes to breathing.

It was time for self care.

I ended my podcast series for the year, cancelled some speaking gigs and am not running training sessions. My voice is happier for it. 

I’ve pulled back as the year draws to a close so I can be ready and raring to go in 2020, where no doubt I will still be human, have feelings, failings and perpetual exhaustion! 

And for self care I’m also saying no to those who judge. I’m saying no to those who manipulate or sabotage. And I’m saying that with my faults, my feelings and choices I am enough.

So if you are feeling it. If you’re saying NO to the naysayers. Comment below and tell them universe that you know YOU ARE ENOUGH TOO.

Much love
