What will a Virtual Assistant think of me and my business?

Here’s why you don’t need to have your stuff sorted before outsourcing to a VA

If you’re a little worried about outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant, then you’re not alone. Most business owners worry that they need to have all their ducks in a row before they hire a contractor.

Although this is a lovely idea, let’s keep this real. Not many of us (business owners) have all our ducks in a row – there’s always a rogue little one ducking things up. And if you’re too busy focussing on the rogue duck, the regular ducks will start acting up too, and all your ducks can go wild.

Businesses, especially online businesses, are always evolving. Your ducks will rarely line up for more than a second at a time.

And that’s ok.

You don’t need your ducks to be lined up before you get help from a Virtual Assistant

Honestly, if you’re lucky enough to have all your ducks lined up, you don’t need a virtual assistant. You’re the magical unicorn duck with a magical glittery, lined-up-ducky business.

But if you’re not a magical unicorn duck, don’t worry. A Virtual Assistant should be able to help you get things moving along, more systemised and more effective. You DON’T need to have everything sorted before you hire a VA.

You don’t need your ducks to be lined up before you get help from a Virtual Assistant Share on X

Do you need a specific business structure before you hire a contractor?

I’ve had business owners ask me if they need to have a specific business structure in place before they hire a contractor. For example, does it make a difference if you’re a company vs a sole trader?

With my business knowledge (and remember that I’m not an accountant), if you have an ABN, you can hire a contractor and claim the expenses under your business. So, whether you’re a sole trader, a company, or trading under a trust, it makes no difference.

Do you need to have all the software in place that a VA may need?

No, you don’t! Chat to your VA before you purchase any new software to see: a) if they use it or would recommend using it, and b) if they would recommend other software programs that would suit your business.

For project management, your VA may already be using a good program that you can use too. They’ll simply need to set you up with your account and show you how it works.

Honestly, there’s only one thing you must have in place

And it’s not ducks! The one thing you MUST have in place before you hire a Virtual Assistant is your vision.

You NEED to know what you want to achieve and make smart goals. You can then work on them with your awesome new VA.

Have fun!

Honestly, there’s only one thing you must have in place before you work with a Virtual Assistant... Share on X