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I help solopreneurs and business owners structure, streamline and self-manage their administration and tech needs.

I help business owners match their abilities and personalities to admin needs, through one to one attention, that’s warm, generous, packed with knowledge and a dash of humour too.

Business Name
Korryn Haines (formerly Encore Admin Consulting)
Social Accounts

1:1 Consultations

Pick my admin-loving brain and learn how to conquer all those admin things that pain you, or let me tinker with your tech as I show you how amazing tools like Google Workspace can be for your business.

Group Workshops

Sometimes it’s better to learn new things in a group setting. Join in on one of my group training sessions where you can learn about a specific theme or software with fellow small business owners like you.

Online Courses

Not wanting 1:1 but keen to learn? Or you prefer to learn at your own pace? Join one of my online courses hosted on the Skillshare platform (you get a 14 day free trial, so you could potentially do them for free!).