Doing well but need a push from others doing well too?

Fortnightly SupernoVA Mastermind


Using Zoom we will be able to connect, discuss goals and challenges and support each other to move forward in areas of our business that are most important and impactful.

Commencing new round Tuesday 11th May 9.15am
Meetings every fortnight (6 sessions in total)

  • Sessions are based on the needs of the group. If particular mutual topics want to be explored further we can allocate sessions to those topics. 
  • You will find that as we check in with each person we will be able to identify existing blocks, goals and work together to help develop strategies. We use this in each session to keep you moving forward.
  • Our sessions are a safe and supportive space. You may even find some sessions feel emotional for you and others you find really kickstart your week. We work through all of that together.

Group numbers are limited.


Joining the Mastermind Group was something that I was not confident about as I was not sure that I would get anything out it.

However, I cannot highly recommend the Mastermind group enough. I have been able to connect with like minded individuals and been able to be held accountable and have a team behind me to give tips and advice and help me achieve some of my business goals and think outside the box!

My advice is don’t think about it and just sign up for the next one!

Chris Alleyn
AMC Biz Solutions


Doing Mastermind was one of the best business decisions I’ve made so far (other than joining VYVA).

You can ask whatever questions you need to, no matter how random, and no-one cares what you do or don’t know.

And the accountability is great. You get homework, and you’d better do it!

Paula Rose
Aspire Admin Services


I signed up for Mastermind group as I prefer conversations and group interactions.

I come with many questions and an open mind and I received many authentic answers. The group was diverse with some who have been a VA for a while and some of us who are new.  

I needed help with transiting from employee to owner mindset. I needed help with process and systems and some self confidence. For me, I received support and care from Rosie and the other members, we had a laugh at ourselves and become accountable for our actions.

It was great to listen to others and hear how they were coping or not. I now have action plans, task lists and an abundance of resources. I don't feel alone in my business. I have a group of people that I can turn to at anytime going forward. And I will be there for them.

Fleur Gowland
Help Admin