The perils of working in isolation as a Virtual Assistant

Hey there virtual assistant/freelancer, I see you. You’re the person who dreams big and works hard. You pick projects aligned to your passion and purpose. You have a sense of adventure, which you need to sustain the ups and downs of the small business ownership rollercoaster. There are SO many benefits to working on your own terms as a business owner, in your own home or office. Finding the balance and passion in what you do and who you serve, and escaping office politics, to name a few.

By |2023-06-07T10:12:38+10:00June 7th, 2023|Becoming a VA, Resources for VAs|0 Comments

The Undervalued Australian Virtual Assistant: Why Pricing Matters for Success in the VA Industry

While I’ve been shouting up and down the street within the Aussie VA groups recently about how frustrating it is to see new VAs pricing themselves at the same rates (and sometimes even lower) than I was charging as a new VA almost 2 decades ago, it’s come to my attention that many Aussie business owners don’t realise that this is happening in the VA industry and that it’s a huge problem.

Why Aussie VAs are afraid to charge their worth and how this is detrimental to the VA Industry

Why Aussie VAs are afraid to charge their worth and how this is detrimental to the VA Industry I realise that by saying Virtual Assistants are afraid, I’ve probably already pissed off a few people already. Calm down, it’s ok - some of you are smashing it and pricing beautifully and totally know your worth. [...]

By |2023-05-02T11:21:35+10:00May 2nd, 2023|Articles, Becoming a VA, Resources for VAs|6 Comments

What on earth is a Virtual Assistant anymore, anyway?

The age-old issue of the title ‘Virtual Assistant’ and what it actually means, seems to have never been resolved, is continually tripping people up and causing confusing in the market. Over the last 5-10 years I’ve been trying to convince everyone that the term ‘Virtual Assistant’ should refer to the collective of business owners providing B2B services, remotely. The industry title. So what's the problem?

VA Tips: Seeds & Placeholders

Even if you do some super awesome VA startup training (like the Stellar VA Training for example) you will never come out the other end with a business that is 100% ready to go, clear on the perfect ideal client, the right pricing, the right branding, with no more learning required.  What you SHOULD have is placeholders and seeds. Let's explore that further..

How to respond to jobleads and get the clients you want

How to respond to jobleads and get the clients you want.Responding to jobleads can be a really confusing and scary prospect for many new VAs. And it doesn't have to be.The main thing to remember is that it's NOT ABOUT YOU.Seems strange I know, but it's all about the client.Recently a joblead came through the [...]

By |2021-10-20T12:16:09+11:00October 20th, 2021|Articles, Becoming a VA, Resources for VAs, VYVA Members|0 Comments

What Aussie Virtual Assistants Pay Themselves

This is interesting but also NOT GOOD! Recently Tracy Brockhoff did a survey to look at how VAs pay themselves and whether they were happy with their figures. Tracy kindly shared her numbers with me and I've written up this post to share some stats and thoughts with you. I'd love to know what you think. Where do you stand with this? How can we improve this situation?

By |2021-07-12T21:08:09+10:00July 12th, 2021|Becoming a VA, Resources for VAs|0 Comments

What can we learn from Virtual Assistants?

What a jam packed 2 days we had. It’s now been over a week since the inaugural VYVA Conference and I’m still uploading recordings from the sessions! Will this conference ever end? Perhaps not - but that’s not a bad thing. Because bringing rockstars from the VA Industry together is never a bad thing!

By |2021-03-31T16:23:25+11:00March 31st, 2021|Articles, Becoming a VA, Resources for VAs|4 Comments

The Opportunity in Front of You

I remember heading to work each day, tears in my eyes, dreading heading into the office to work with toxic people. In winter in particular it would be dark as I got onto the train early in the morning, and then dark again in the evening when I finally got back home. It was insanely depressing. The local cafe sold an incredible pumpkin soup and to be honest, my day’s happiness depended entirely on whether or not they had made that soup or not. 

By |2020-02-25T14:10:37+11:00February 11th, 2020|Articles, Becoming a VA|2 Comments

How do you start on the right foot with your clients?

Meeting and chatting to a client prospect can be a pretty intimidating or scary venture, and many VAs worry a lot about this part of business. That first meeting and the steps you take before, during and after it can make or break your business relationship. It’s important to know how you want your business to run. What your goals are, how you want to work, when you want to work and for how much money you want to work. Being clear on your objectives helps you work out the smartest and easiest strategies moving forward with finding, securing and maintaining clients – the right clients. Here are my 7 tips for starting off on the right foot with your clients:

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